Welcome to Elusiv Life.
We are real surf. Everything we create will be designed and tested, and nothing will be sold if we don't believe in it.
This is why we spend a lot of time around the beach and in the ocean, giving us the ability to see what works and what doesn't. We do this to make your time at the beach and in the ocean better.
Unfortunately a lot of companies create product to make money, we don't. We do what we do because we've grown up with the ocean being a place that gives us big happy smiles, it's priceless.
There are lot's of things we'll be making ourselves, we learnt a lot from having a shop for a few years. If we don't make it we will be working with companies we believe in, which makes us proud to be involved with them and what they do.
So, yep, we are what surf was in the 'old days', we do what we do because we bloody love surfing.